LSL Replacement Program Contractor Information


Only prequalified contractors may perform work under the Sheboygan Lead Service Line Replacement Program. All contractors prequalified prior to January 2025, must requalify to perform work under the program moving forward. To prequalify as a contractor, complete and submit the Request for Qualifications

The EPA and DNR requires that all lead service line replacements using federal funds must follow all federal regulations, including spot replacements where the property owner contracts directly with the prequalified plumber.  The DNRs Federal Equivalency page lists all of the applicable federal requirements for LSL projects.  Below is the summary with links to several references for more information.   These regulations must be followed for each LSL replacement. 

Sheboygan Water Utility contracts with Bay-Lake Regional Planning Commission for all Davis-Bacon wage reporting, and we ask plumbers to work directly with them for this requirement.  They can be reached at: Raquel Orta, Bay-Lake Regional Planning Commission, 1861 Nimitz Drive, De Pere, WI 54115, 920-448-2820, Ext. 101 |

 Federal Requirements:

  • All LSL projects are Federal Equivalency
  • Davis-Bacon Wage Rates
    • Davis-Bacon applies to all PQL replacements, regardless of property ownership (unless the replacement costs less than $2000 or all the work is done by an owner of the business)
    • Heavy wage rates required - residential not accepted
  • Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Solicitation
    • [Prequalified Lists] When drafting RFQ and advertisement for the RFQ, include the suggested language:
      • "We encourage DBEs, including MBEs and WBEs, to submit bid proposals/apply for the purpose of being included on the municipality's list of prequalified plumbers for the LSL Funding program."
    • [Contract] Required at every level of contracting
  • Build American Buy American (BABA)
    • The Small Project waiver is available to all projects where the FAA amount is $249,999 or less; this does not apply to Sheboygan Water Utility projects
    • Exemptions from BABA are not exemptions for American Iron and Steel (AIS); AIS compliance will still be required
    • Compliance with BABA is compliance with AIS
  • EPA Filtration Requirements – Provided by Sheboygan Water Utility
    • Required to be provided during the interim to all partial replacements
    • Required for 6 months after replacement is fully completed - this will be applicable to all LSLs funded through the program