Cross Connections

Everyday the City of Sheboygan Water Utility pumps out millions of gallons of water to its customers. Before this water reaches your home or business, it has gone through careful treatment and numerous tests to ensure its high quality.

The Sheboygan Water Utility has been protecting the water entering your system for decades, and will continue to do so for decades to come. However, it is your responsibility to protect the water on your property or in your home, and we are here to help.

In 2013 the Sheboygan Water Utility implemented a Cross Connection Control Program with the assistance of HydroCorp, a contracted company that specializes in backflow prevention and cross control programs.

Additional Resources:

HydroCorp Cross Connection FAQ's

603A7325 1

General Program Information

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603A8288 Enhanced NR 1

Residential Customers

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603A7347 1

Commercial and Industrial Customers

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